Hi Driven by Hearters!! Tomorrow Monday April 19, the office will be open from 9 to 1ish……if you are stopping in, please wear your mask, we will do the same
I believe at this point the rest of the week will be by appointment, but keep watch as we may change.

There is a beginning Yoga class starting at Aquarian Dreams…class starts tomorrow Monday at 4pm…the cost is $10. You can register on line at Aquarian Dreams…scroll to schedule for April 19….the instructor is Katherine Perez. (KP)
Also just a reminder the event for Sunday April 25, 2021 has been cancelled.
And also a reminder that we will be having a support group meeting via Zoom on Wednesday April 28 at 6pm and we will be joined by Melissa Studebaker, RN, MSN, APRN-BC, OCN. Melissa will be answering questions for our breast cancer gals…..bring your questions and let’s chat!!!! Watch for the link…it will be posted here and on the website www.drivenbyheart.org
Have a great week….be safe