Good morning!
We are happy to announce we now have copies of “The Breast Cancer Treatment Handbook” Recurrent and Metastatic Breast Cancer” available for our Metastatic patients. This book is by the same folks as “The Breast Cancer Treatment Handbook” that y’all recieved.
Last nite Dr. Jose Reilova came and talked about breast cancer pathology….it was a great presentation and time flew by….he started taking questions right from the beginning and it was enjoyed by all. Dr. Reilova regularly lends his ear for pathology questions. We are very fortunate in our oncology community to have so many Doctors who take part in answering our questions.
Our next speaker will be Wednesday, February 5 at 6pm Susan Moore will be here to talk about Beach Organics products….yes she is the lady behind the products you receive from here and she is instrumental in helping us learn to get rid of the toxins in our bodies.
We work really hard to try to bring all of this information to you so if there is anything of particular interest that we might not have thought of please let us know.
Talk soon!